Vision & Mission

Vision, Mission and Values


To deliver value-added quality education to the aspiring students, meeting stringent requirements of the changing technology, industry, business and society as a whole.


To provide an environment of academic excellence and adopt appropriate teaching – learning processes to produce competent and skilled engineers to meet global challenges.

Our Values

– We are committed to imparting excellent education, employing meticulous methods that strive to enlighten the students to be industry ready.
– We endeavour to excel in education by improving the study programmes that can provide students with an experience, to obtain the best outcome, and also make it memorable and enjoyable at the same time.
– We are inspired to make students reach their maximum potential by participating in intellectual activities to help improve.
– We continuously strive to lead our students to the right path, to their best tomorrow.

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In view of First Year CAP Admission Process 2024-25 Round 3, college is working on 6th, 8th and 9th September 2024( only for FE CAP Round 3 Admission)