Higher Education Cell

Higher Education Cell

Higher Education cell was established to inculcate culture of further education in professional life. We believe that the engineers can be better scientist, better technocrats, can be good managers, can be leaders of industry. It is required to have a professional education of these specialization after graduation. It can be masters in Technology (M.Tech/MS), Masters in Engineering (ME), Masters of Bussiness Administartion (MBA), Masters of Management Studies (MMS) or it can lead to a research leading PhD. It is a novel inception of its kind to facilitate the students of our Institute with guidance in choosing the best career options after graduation. The cell facilitate to analyze students with the career choice and train them with various levels of programs, workshops, seminars for an overall development of the students in view of post graduate studies.
Higher education cell organizes Higher education day every year to mark the significance of further education among students.

Following are the activities which are regularly done during academic year,

  • To encourage students to appear for GATE examination
  • To facilitate and provide professional coaching and guidance for GATE.
  • To facilitate students for overseas education through GRE, GMAT.
  • To guide the students for MBA/MMS/PGDM.

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In view of First Year CAP Admission Process 2024-25 Round 3, college is working on 6th, 8th and 9th September 2024( only for FE CAP Round 3 Admission)