Affiliations & Approvals

Affiliations & Approvals


Technical Education, through Diploma, Post-diploma, Graduate and Post Graduate courses has been the doorway to careers for innumerable youth in enthralling them towards the leading light of knowledge for achieving glorious heights in life for the benefit and service of mankind. The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) is the statutory body and a national-level council for technical education, under Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development established in November 1945 first as an advisory body and later on in 1987 given statutory status by an Act of Parliament. AICTE is responsible for Promotion of Quality in Technical Education, planning and coordinated development of the technical education and management education system & Regulations and Maintenance of Norms and Standards in India. Terna Engineering College got his first AICTE approval in 1994 & got extension of approval each subsequent year thereafter.

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The Directorate of Technical Education in Maharashtra, has been established to ensure that technical institutions catering to Engineering, Architecture, Pharmacy and Hotel Management & Catering Technology courses across the State of Maharashtra confirm with the policies, rules, guidelines and strategies formulated by the Central and State governments. Terna engineering college got his first DTE approval in 1990 & participated in Central Admission Process rounds conducted by DTE Maharashtra every year.

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Mumbai University

The University of Mumbai is one of the oldest and premier Universities in India. It was established in 1857 and it is one amongst the first three Universities in India. The University was accorded 5 star status in 2001 & ‘A’ grade status in April 2012 by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). It has been granted University with Potential for Excellence (UPE) status by UGC. Terna engineering college feels proud to be associated with such esteemed university. Terna engineering college got Mumbai university affiliations from 1991.

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NBA Accreditation

The National Board of Accreditation (NBA), India was initially established by AICTE (All India Council of Technical Education) under section 10(u) of AICTE act, in the year 1994, for periodic evaluations of technical institutions & programs basis according to specified norms and standards as recommended by AICTE council.
NBA has introduced a new process, parameters and criteria for accreditation. These are in line with the best international practices and oriented to assess the outcomes of the programme.

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Fees Regulating Authority (FRA)

The Fees Regulating Authority is constituted to determine the reasonableness of fees levied by unaided institutions and to verify whether the fees so levied does not amount to profiteering or charging of capitation fees within the meaning of clause (a) of section 2 of the Maharashtra Educational Institutions (Prohibition of Capitation Fees) Act, 1987.
The Fees Regulating Authority mainly has the following powers,

  • Scrutiny and Verification of ‘fee proposals’ and final approval thereof.
  • To evolve mechanism for verification of infrastructure facilities, amenities and verification thereof in unaided institutions.
  •  Redressal of grievances of all the Stake-holders.
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