Message from HOD

Welcome to Department of Information Technology. The Department of Information Technology was established in 2002. The department offers Bachelor Degree, Master Degree and Ph.D in Information Technology.The Master Degree in Information Technology was approved in 2011-2012 academic year. Ph.D in Information Technology was approved in 2014-2015 academic year.
Department is NBA Accredited. Department has collaboration with Industries for consultancy projects, and currently two consultancy projects ongoing. Department has got funded project grant of Rs. 29 lacs form DST in 2022-2024 respectively.
The graduates have found remarkable placements in prestigious companies like Microsoft and many students have obtained for higher studies. Our vision of department is providing center of excellence in the field of Information Technology Education & Training. Department has Professional Bodies Students Chapters like CSI, ISTE etc.
Our goal is to provide students with a balance of training and practical experiences that will enable them to serve a problem solving ability to serve Industry and Societal needs. In our department students are nurtured to become best Software Professionals as Project Managers, System Analysts, and Network Administrator or Team leaders in Industry or become Entrepreneurs in their own innovative way. We are having hard-working students, a young and dynamic faculty, whose expertise spans the range of disciplines in Information Technology stream and a very healthy work-culture, are the basic elements that comprise the Department of Information Technology, the hub of the Institute's Academia. We are pioneer of creating Apple Lab with 21 iMac PC, iPad, Mac Laptop and iPhone, Blockchain and Cloud Setup in Terna Engineering College. We hold firm belief in our ability to succeed, and we nurture an attitude of self-reliance, confidence, commitment and responsibility to the motherland that we are to serve. The Department of Information Technology believes in building career, enriching minds and provides a remarkable experience that lasts a life time. I am confident that the students of the department would justify their credibility by showing a high level of professional competence in their respective areas.- Dr. Vaishali D. Khairnar
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