Online Resources

E - Contents


      1. IEEE- ASPP & POP : (Journals, Transactions, and Magazines with conference proceedings)

  • A powerful resource for discovery and access to technical content
  • Access to full-page PDF images; including all original charts, graphs, diagrams, photographs and illustrative material

      2. ASME:

  • publishes 28 prestigious Journal.

      3. ASCE:

  • Civil Engineering research and practice
  • publishes 35 journals

     4. Springer Nature:

  • Second-largest publisher of journals in the science, technology, and medicine (STM) Journal coverage: 4700 Indexed
  • 452 journal titles

      5. ASTM Digital Library:

  • Vast collection of industry-leading standards

      6. Knimbus Digital Library (Science & Technology):

Access to a massive collection of Science, Engineering & Technology e-Content including:

  • 25,000+ Full Text eBooks
  • 1,000s of multimedia presentations and videos
  • 3,500+ Full Text Journals
  • 5,000+ Abstract access to Journals from top Publishers

B. Question Papers:

  • University examination papers are scanned, and e-question papers are available.


  • Initiative by IITs and IISc.
  • E-learning through online Web and Video courses in Engineering


E. National Digital Library:

  • Initiated by Ministry of Human Resource Development
  • Digital contents including books, articles, videos, audios, thesis and other educational materials under a single umbrella

F. Turnitin – Internet-based Plagiarism Detection Service

G. Collection of 1000+ CDs

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