Open Access Resources

Sr. No.NameURL
1Encyclopaedia Britannica
2Microsoft Encarta Concise Encyclopedia
3The Americana Concise
4Computer Desktop Encyclopedia
5Encyclopedia of Symbols
6Who2 ( for more 3000 famous people)
7World Digital Library
8AUTOmotive encycloPEDIA
9Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
10Medical Encyclopedia
Open E-Theses and Dissertations (ETDs)

A dissertation or thesis is a work submitted in support of candidature for a under graduate, master’s degree, or doctorate degree respectively, which presents the author’s research and findings. Electronic versions of theses and dissertations are called ETDs. ETDs replaced paper theses and dissertations and it can be similar to their paper predecessors in that they may have figures, tables, footnotes, and references. Links are given below :

Open Access Theses Repository Links
LSE Theses Online
Apollo – University of Cambridge Repository
Dyuthi Digital Repository
KrishiKosh (कृषिकोष ) 
EThos: e-theses online service 
Open Access Theses and Dissertations
E- Journals
  • NISCAIR Online Periodicals Repository

You can now access full text articles from research journals published by CSIR-NISCAIR! Full text facility is provided for all eighteen research journals viz. ALIS, BVAAP, IJBB, IJBT, IJCA, IJCB, IJCT, IJEB, IJEMS, IJFTR, IJMS, IJNPR, IJPAP, IJRSP, IJTK, JIPR, JSIR & JST. NOPR also hosts three Popular Science Magazines viz. Science Reporter (SR), Vigyan Pragati (VP) & Science Ki Duniya (SKD) and a Natural Products Repository (NPARR).  Link : –

  • Springer Open:

The SpringerOpen portfolio has grown tremendously since its launch in 2010, so that we now offer researchers from all areas of science, technology, medicine, the humanities and social sciences a place to publish open access in journals and books. Publishing with SpringerOpen makes your work freely available online for everyone, immediately upon publication, and our high-level peer-review and production processes guarantee the quality and reliability of the work. Link :-

  • Elsevier  Open access journals:

All articles in open access journals which are published by Elsevier have undergone peer review and upon acceptance are immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download.

Link :-

  • SAGE Open access journals

SAGE Open is a peer-reviewed, “Gold” open access journal from SAGE that publishes original research and review articles in an interactive, open access format. Articles may span the full spectrum of the social and behavioral sciences and the humanities. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Link :-

  • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals. All DOAJ services are free of charge including being indexed in DOAJ. All data is freely available.

Link :-

  • HighWire  Free Online Full-text Articles

(List limited to journals published online with the assistance of HighWire Press) 

HighWire Press is the largest archive of free full-text science on Earth! As of 3/25/15, we are assisting in the online publication of 2,434,604 free full-text articles and 7,659,003 total articles. There are 4 sites with free trial periods, and 84 completely free sites. 163 sites have free back issues, and 346 sites have pay per view! 

Link :–

  • Hindawi Open Access journals

Hindawi publishes peer-reviewed, Open Access journals across many areas of science, technology, and medicine, as well as several areas of social science. Hindawi’s journals are indexed in the leading abstracting and indexing databases, including the Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, INSPEC, Mathematical Reviews, and Chemical Abstracts.

Link :-

    • The European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP) Journals

The EURASIP was founded on 1 September 1978 to improve communication between groups and individuals that work within the multidisciplinary, fast growing field of Signal Processing in Europe and elsewhere, and to exchange and disseminate information in the field all over the world. The association exists to further the efforts of researchers by providing a learned and professional platform for dissemination and discussion of all aspects of signal processing.

Link :-

  • Institute of Physics electronic journals (IOP) –

The IOP is a scientific charity devoted to increasing the practice, understanding and application of physics. It has a worldwide membership of around 40,000 and is a leading communicator of physics-related science to all audiences, from specialists through to government and the general public. Its publishing company, IOP Publishing, is a world leader in scientific publishing and the electronic dissemination of physics.

Link :-

    •  Digital Library of The Commons Repository

The Digital Library of the Commons (DLC) is a gateway to the international literature on the commons. The DLC provides free and open access to full-text articles, papers, and dissertations. This site contains an author-submission portal; an Image Database; the Comprehensive Bibliography of the Commons; a Keyword Thesaurus, and links to relevant reference sources on the study of the commons.

Link :-

  • The Royal Society Journals 

The Royal Society is a Fellowship of the world’s most eminent scientists and is the oldest scientific academy in continuous existence.

Link :-

  • OMICS International Open Access Journals

Make the best use of Researched information from 700+ peer reviewed, Open Access Journals operated by 50,000+ Editorial Board Members and esteemed reviewers and 1000+ Scientific associations in Medical, Clinical, Pharmaceutical, Engineering, Technology and Management Fields. 

Meet Inspiring Speakers and Experts at our 3000+ Global Conference series Events with over 600+ Conferences, 1200+ Symposiums and 1200+ Workshops on Medical, Pharma, Engineering, Science, Technology and Business

Link : –

Free E – Books Websites
  • Project Gothenburg –  

Project Gutenberg is an online library of free eBooks. Project Gutenberg was the first provider of free electronic books, or eBooks. Michael Hart, founder of Project Gutenberg, invented eBooks in 1971 and his memory continues to inspire the creation of eBooks and related content today.

Link : 

  • Free Tech books – 

This site lists free online computer science, engineering and programming books, textbooks and lecture notes, all of which are legally and freely available over the Internet. Throughout this site, other terms are used to refer to a book, such as ebook, text, document, monogram or notes.


  • e-PG Pathshala  

e-PG Pathshala is an initiative of the MHRD under its National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) being executed by the UGC. The content and its quality being the key component of education system, high quality, curriculum-based, interactive e-content in 70 subjects across all disciplines of social sciences, arts, fine arts and humanities, natural & mathematical sciences, linguistics and languages have been developed by the subject experts working in Indian universities and other R & D institutes across the country. Every subject had a team of principal investigator, paper coordinators, content writers, content reviewers, Language editors and multimedia team.


  • The Rare Book Society of India –  The Rare Book Society of India was the first of its kind when it was founded in October 2009. It is a virtual space for rare book collectors and history enthusiasts to read, discuss, rediscover and download lost books. Despite being an ancient literary civilization and having one of the largest literary treasures of hand-written and printed material, India does not have a single Society for rare book collectors. This is an attempt to create a forum where those elusive connoisseurs come together to discuss and share their knowledge on Indian rare books. 

Link :

  • Directory of open access books –

The primary aim of DOAB is to increase discoverability of Open Access books. The directory is open to all publishers who publish academic, peer reviewed books in Open Access and should contain as many books as possible, provided that these publications are in Open Access and meet academic standards.

Link :

  • Intech Open access books – 

InTechOpen is the world’s largest Science, Technology and Medicine Open Access book publisher. With a goal to provide free online access to research since 2004, InTechOpen has published 3,377 books and 49,848 scientific works total by 108,482 international scientists.

Link :- 

  • Internet Archive –

Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.

Link :

  • AICTE ekumbh

The National Education policy (NEP) was launched by the Ministry of Education Government of India in the year 2020. The major emphasis of NEP-2020 is to impart education in the mother tongue so as to enhance the creativity, critical thinking among the students. In alignment with the above provisions of National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has initiated Technical Book writing scheme initially in a 09 languages viz Hindi, Tamil, Gujarati, Kannada, Marathi, Bengali, Telugu, Punjabi, Odia. Subsequently, 03 more languages Assamese, Malayalam & Urdu are added in it. AICTE is to provide outcome based Technical Education Books in different Indian Languages to the students and faculty members across all technical institutions in India. For the second year total 88 courses, 42 at the Degree and 46 at Diploma level have been identified across five major disciplines viz Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering & Civil Engineering.

Link :

Open Access Institutional Repositories
  • DSpace@MIT 

DSpace@MIT is a growing collection of MIT’s research that includes peer-reviewed articles, technical reports, working papers, theses and more. End-user downloads of the 60,000+ items regularly exceed one million per month.

  • eGyanKosh- a National Digital Repository

eGyanKosh- a National Digital Repository to store, index, preserve, distribute and share the digital learning resources developed by the Open and Distance Learning Institutions in the country. Items in eGyanKosh are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved by IGNOU, unless otherwise indicated. To access the items in repository registration is required. Registration is free. 

Link :-

Sr. No.NameURL
2Dictionary of Phrase & Fable
3Dictionary of Philosophical terms
4Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms
5The Free Dictionary
6The Oxford English Dictionary
7Webopedia: Online Tech Dictionary for Students, Educators, and IT Professionals
8Visual Thesaurus: Displays a unique visualization of connections between words.
9Visual Dictionary Online
10Macmillan Dictionary

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